Express yourself! Express Yourself? Why bother? What’s the value to your life to express yourself? I’m happy to be the messenger on this topic.
Since your arrival on the scene of life, you’ve been told how to be, how to act, what’s right, what’s wrong, how to be, been told you’re too much, not enough, you name it, and you’ve been subtlety or not so subtlety influenced by all of these ‘add-ons.’ All well meaning but it does tend to influence how we show up in the world as well as question, “Who am I under all of this influence and what’s authentic to me?”
That’s why it’s so valuable to your life to express yourself. When you express yourself, with absolute freedom and permission, you get the opportunity to shed layers upon layers of ‘add-ons’ to see just who is under all those judgements. Under all those concepts of can and can’t, right and wrong, you will discover YOU. Yes, that’s right. YOU and what’s unique to you. Not only does it feel great, you get the opportunity to discover more of who you truly are. This newly discovered peaceful freedom shows up in every area of your life.
I’d love to support you in exploring and discovering! Here’s a few tips to support you in saying YES when you want to express yourself, at work, at play, in your relationships, in your manner of dress, in following your inspirations, etcetera:
1.    Set aside some time to create with no goal in mind. Explore. Be adventurous.
2.    Respond to what occurs to you. Don’t negate the smallest nudge.
3.    Give yourself permission to follow the smallest nudge.
4.    Give up control and learn to let go of any expectations.
5.    Give up meaning and whys. Put your attention on the freedom and potential in life.
6.    100% Freedom is your birthright. Enjoy it!
The energy of creativity is benevolent. It supports you in living authentically and in harmony with yourself.
Now go out there and make your_____________________.
Sending smiles,