Lately, in my coaching practice, I’ve heard many clients talk about feeling overwhelmed.  They believe it’s from their current life circumstances, or from the amount of ideas that are coming into them.  Oftentimes, when you open yourself to the truth that all things are possible, yes even for you, the flood gates seem to open.  When this happens, it all appears chaotic or too much to deal with.

So, what can you do about it?  First, recognize that overwhelm is a concept.  Granted, a concept that people have bought into for a long time but one that often trips them up.  For some people this concept doesn’t even exist in their lives.  Secondly, that ‘too much’ feeling is not coming from the circumstances or ideas.  It’s coming from the volume of mental chatter you have around what you’re seeing or the ideas you’re receiving.  For instance, a new inspiration comes in, and it’s often followed, by the mind, offering a big laundry list of reality questions such as how, why, when, etc.  Your head space starts filling up?  This marathon of examination fills your head with a sense of it’s all too much.  Hopefully, at this point, you’re seeing it’s not what’s happening in your life that’s too much.  It’s what you’re making up about what’s happening in your life that’s creating this saturated feeling.

I feel very confident that the intelligence that brought you these situations or new ideas will bring you the how, why, when, and what to do about it. Overwhelm & A Sponge There’s no need to fill your head with logistical data that hasn’t arrived yet.  What to do instead?  In order for the saturated sponge to do what it does best, you have to lessen the amount of liquid in it.  This allows space for the sponge to operate more effectively.

This is exactly what I invite you to do.  I invite you to empty your mind of all that busyness.  When more space is available inside you, you will operate more effectively.  You will have space available to receive, hear, or notice the next piece this same intelligence is sending your way.   Take a walk, tear paper, collage, watch a movie, listen to music, paint, or soak in the tub. You pick what does it for you.  Then relax.  You’re never given a situation without the information to execute your ideas.  It’s that simple.  It’s that easy.