Enjoy Today

It’s a beautiful summer day in Houston, Texas this morning. The skies are full of smoky gray clouds and rain is falling hard. Enjoy and relish this day.

I just received news about a treasured friend’s health. I’ve followed their journey and all they have done to extend their hours on the ground. As I finished reading their latest news this mantra popped into my mind, ‘enjoy and relish this day.’ This mantra is just one more gift I’ve received from knowing these friends.


It’s innocent enough to be distracted by tending your current circumstances. It’s also innocent enough to believe the right circumstances will bring you a better moment. As innocent as this dynamic is, you could spend lifetimes trying to get things in place and NEVER find your happiness in your circumstances. Are you going to wait for things to be in their place or will you seize your hours on the ground to enjoy and relish this day?


This truth, peace is never in the circumstances of my life, brings me so much joy and hopefulness. Why? Because it lets me know that it’s available to me now and quick working for it. What a relief!


Enjoy and relish this day.


There are lots of fun things coming this summer. I hope you will find time to nurture yourself and join in on the fun and the community these offerings bring. You’re invited, come along!


Drop me a line and let me know what’s happening in your world this summer. I’d love to connect with you.


Sending smiles,




I teach people how to eliminate struggle from their lives and businesses. If you or someone you know would like to see struggle in your rearview mirror, give me a call. We can have an exploratory conversation to see if working together makes sense. Cherie@cherieray.com or call 832.545.8488


Are You Trying to ‘Problem Solve’ Your Way to Relaxation?

Are you trying to ‘problem solve’ your way to relaxation? Does it look like you have problems that must be worked on and solved before you can move on with enjoying your life? Does working to solve problems take up all your time? Do you find yourself way too familiar with feelings of overwhelm and feeling overworked? At the end of the day, are you long on expending energy and short on enjoying? This is what life feels like when you look at the world through the colored lens of problem solving.
Well, the culprit could be a simple misunderstanding. Innocently, you can fall asleep to your mind making all these rules around how to live, what it means to be a decent person (partner, mom, dad, boss, employee, etc.) and how to be OK in the world. Good news, as easily as you fell asleep to this invisible policy maker, you can wake up to it.
Life is not one long problem-solving assignment. Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed. What can you do? Do a gut check and see if you are over oriented to problem solving and take these points to heart:
  • You won’t find your happiness or relaxation on the other side of solved problems. It doesn’t live there.
  • Problem solving will take all your time and all of your joy.
  • Training your mind to solve problems creates a habit and trains your mind to look for problems to be solved. It never stops.
I hope this takes some struggle off your plate. If you know of someone who is struggling in their life or business and they don’t know where to turn to gain insight and relief? Please send them my way. Struggle in life is optional.
I always love hearing your comments and reflections. Drop me a line and let’s connect.
Sending smiles,
Teaching people how to eliminate struggle from their lives and businesses.
Let’s have a free exploratory conversation, cherie@cherieray.com.

Suck it up or Quit: But What if There’s Another Way?

Just the presence of her boss would set her off like a firecracker. With every interaction, she suffered a litany of “feeling criticized,” “getting hooked into her bad feeling,” or “watching my self-esteem erode under my feet.” Working in such an overwhelmingly toxic environment painted the picture to her that this is just the way it is when you work for someone else. She could only see two options: suck it up or quit. And she had tried sucking it up for long enough; there was no space left to stuff the stress. She was mentally and physically exhausted from dealing with the dissatisfaction in her work life – that had annoyingly wormed its way into her home life as well.


Jean came to me because she was at the end of her rope. Wearing an unyielding scowl on her face and with her hands frequently thrown into the air in frustration, she didn’t know how to maneuver her only apparent choices. She was not at her magical retirement age, nor was she financially prepared to stop working altogether. But Jean just couldn’t imagine sludging along, ticking the days off her calendar until it was finally time to cue up Johnny Paycheck’s glorious song, “Take this Job and Shove it” as she went a-walkin’ out the door.


When Jean and I began working together, I invited her to temporarily shelve the idea of quitting. We knocked around the idea of using her present situation as a laboratory for her learning. This was a challenging and problematic task because Jean wanted to feel “100% happier,” which she was certain could only happen if she exited her current circumstance. She reluctantly agreed to give it six months.


Our next conversation began with Jean declaring, “I quit. I couldn’t take it anymore.” With a glimmer of hope, she wondered what was next. Was there another way to eliminate the stresses and struggles she was up against?


Through our work together, Jean achieved results that are out of this world! She negotiated a re-hire with a 30k annual pay increase. She added 300k – minimum – to her retirement bucket by staying in the workforce longer. She had previously wasted 80% of her day distracted by the office culture, which only allowed a small portion of her time to be spent performing her duties. Today, efficient work blissfully dominates her workday – only 20% is distraction!


Jean is now leading a satisfying, centered, successful life and career. This is exactly why my clients come to me. Bringing a deep understanding of the way people universally operate and a keen capability to transform complex mountains into simple molehills, I offer creative solutions and fresh perspectives to eliminate struggle and inspire true living!

Spring Forward

How are you? I hope this newsletter greets you with a fresh excitement for Spring. The clock did its jump forward so fresh newness can’t be far behind. Here in Texas, this is the time when the wildflowers start to introduce brilliant colors on the highways and fields with the presence of bluebonnets. I love this time of year because Mother Nature pulls out all the stops and starts to re-colorize the landscape.
Seeing the natural cycles of freshness and new growth in the landscape is a very outward sign of what’s happening inside you, all of the time. Luckily, you are designed to have fresh ideas, insights, and inspirations come to you all year long and not just in the spring. These new ideas and inspirations colorize your personal world.
Just recently I had a few fresh insights come to me that were not ‘topic specific’ but the truth and wisdom that dropped in will serve all areas of my life. I smile and chuckle when this happens because the depth and breadth of an insight of any size can shift how I see the world, effortlessly. It’s like getting a free upgrade for a higher functioning life.  I’m both amused and very appreciative when this happens.
The best news of all? This system works the same in every human being on the planet! This includes YOU.
I’d love to support you in understanding more about eliminating struggle from your life and receiving the solutions you’re looking for. Let’s connect for an exploratory conversation, Cherie@CherieRay.com.
I’d love to connect with you and catch up.
Sending smiles,

What’s Needed Most These Days If You Want to Lead?

Can you believe it’s March? It was one year ago that I was volunteering with the Horticulture Committee at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo when one of the rodeo’s directors walked up to the team and asked us to quietly collect our things and leave the rodeo complex. I remember thinking it felt just like an old-school fire drill but there would be no returning in 15 minutes! The rodeo was officially cancelled for the remaining 3 weeks! This was the day when COVID-19 started making its impact in Houston. What a packed 12 months it has been.
With all the changes in the world and workplace, I felt a very strong desire to invite my friend and colleague, Gina Anastasi, to do a webinar with me. I thought it would be beneficial to learn what puts you in a leveraged position to never look for work again and to learn what qualities are needed to take a leadership role your career and personal life. The qualities are the same for both!
Gina is the founder of Gina Anastasi, Inc., (GinaAnastasi.com) which provides advisory and coaching services to executives and companies at all stages of development. Her passion is to provide guidance to maximize financial results and reach strategic goals through leadership support and operational efficiency.
Gina’s most well-known company is Rent.com, for 6 years through launch date through acquisition, she led the company as COO through a major internal restructuring and growth increasing revenue from $2MMto $60MM. Rent.com became the #1 rental site in the U.S. and was acquired by eBay in 2005 for $435MM. This is just one achievement in Gina’s phenomenally successful career.
Having been an employee and an employer, I’ve always been a witness to success in the workplace. As a coach, I want my clients to experience the richest experience possible in both their careers and their personal lives. If your desire is to move ahead or be sought out, we will share what it takes to be advanceable, invaluable, and desirable.
Invite your friends, loved ones, and colleagues to join the conversation. Bring your questions! Complete webinar information is below. Advance registration is necessary.
Let’s have some fun and connect! I look forward to seeing you Friday.
I teach people how to eliminate struggle from their lives. Let’s have a free exploratory conversation, cherie@cherieray.com.

Relationship Challenges

Here you are! February is wrapping up and March is just around the corner. When I think about March being just around the corner, I’m even more amazed at the crazy weather that hit the country last week. I hope you’re doing well and navigating what’s required to get your world shored up! When I think of March, I think of spring and warm sunny days. Hopefully, they are on their way.
Valentine’s week I hosted a webinar titled, “Are Your Relationship Concepts Getting in the Way of Real Relationship?” Lots of people mentioned that they thought the webinar was about romantic love relationships and didn’t feel it applied to them because they aren’t in a romantic relationship right now.
Romantic relationships are just one in a basket of many. Like it or not, you are in relationship with everything and everybody. You are in relationship with yourself (most importantly), your friends, neighbors, customer service reps, vendors, employer, siblings, parents, children, checkout clerk, spouse/partner, and so many others.
Do you carry a lot of ideas, definitions, and concepts about the rights and wrongs in these relationships? These personal truths get in the way of creating and experiencing REAL relationship. If relationships are a sore spot or a struggle for you, please check out the webinar, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oNEJ0wBqFo. It’s also available on my podcast, Connected Living with Cherie Ray on Spotify, ITunes, Google.
I hope you’ll take a listen and I hope you hear something helpful. Getting real and eliminating struggle is what I do with my clients. If you are living in struggle, you don’t have to. Let’s connect.
Sending smiles,

Invitation: An Upside to the Times

What’s new with you? I hope you’re doing well and exploring new inspirations that are coming to you in the richness of possibility that seems to come with the beginning of a new year. Possibility and potential are ever present, but the attention of the world seems to highlight this as we greet January.
What I’m seeing new in the balance of this pandemic is INVITATION. So much has been taken off the table that was innocently leaned on to feel OK, to distract, or bring comfort. With all that’s been edited in your life, there’s a fresh invitation on the table to locate your peace and joy. Not within your circumstances, by having the right partner, job, living arrangement, location, but where it has always been and will always be. Beneath all of that in the depth of your being. Isn’t that intriguing? You can tie your well-being, peace, and joy to your circumstances, but you don’t have to. Isn’t that a rich invitation?
I would love to hear from you on this topic. Kindly RSVP by January 31st. LOL!
Have you or someone you know, “Lost that Lovin’ Feeling” for their work, their current life, or their relationships? I would love to connect with them. Big changes on the outside aren’t necessary to experience the joy you seek.
Sending smiles,

Happy New Year

Here we are at the end of 2020!
I think this year speaks volumes about RESILIENCE. Resilience is your innate ability to rise to the occasion. Whatever the occasion is. It’s the spiritual nature of life that delivers to you unseen abilities in the exact moment that you need them. I know for a lot of us this year has served up plenty of surprises, losses, and unimaginable circumstances. Some so unimaginable that if you could have imagined them you would surely believe you couldn’t survive them. But you do.
Resilience is a gift we all carry, and it is at the ready when we need it. With that in mind, you can relax with what the New Year will bring and put your attention on what you would like to explore in 2021. What would you like to play with? I’m going to spend some time considering what would plump my heart and what are the qualities of a life well lived. These things will be put in my recipe for a meaningful 2021.
I would like to express my deep appreciation to each of you for participating in so many great events and conversations this year. I hope the New Year greets you with a big smile!
Happy New Year!

Line In the Sand

I hope you’re feeling strong and vibrant. Are you planning your holidays, celebrating the Festival of Lights, or readying to launch a fresh new year?
I hope you’ll take a break this Friday, December 18th at noon CST, 10am PST, 1pm EST to join in the conversation, Drawing a Line in the Sand, When will finding fault in yourself no longer be an option? It will be a rich conversation that could add to the gifts you give yourself this holiday season or what you want to include in your New Year reset. Please register in advance to attend. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMudO2tqzsuHNcFRA7APDfI0bGRtggTgB-t
It’s been a full year with more highs, lows, and changes then previously experienced. I hope you’ll include yourself on your gift-giving list by gifting yourself large doses of love, acceptance, and compassion.
I look forward to seeing you on the call this Friday!

A Candid Conversation

What are you hungering for? Community, connection, creativity, fresh aliveness? Well all of that can be done safely and virtually. During this time of Covid we’ve discovered that a fun, welcoming community is created when people come together to explore. It’s been wonderful to get together with you for webinars and for workshops. I appreciate all the comments you’ve shared on how virtual participation has supported you through these quarantine times. Thank YOU for participating in making community where community can happen these days!
I want to share this fresh conversation I had with Michele Cassou.
A Candid Conversation with Michele Cassou on Point Zero Intuitive Painting and her life of exploring creativity.
Michele Cassou has authored 10+ books on creativity, as well as numerous audio and video recordings. She has explored the operating principles of creativity for over 50 years as well as being the first art workshop offered at Esalen over 45 years ago. Her work continues to grow and evolve, which is the nature of creativity.
Podcast: Connected Living with Cherie Ray
Truths and Understandings for the Business of Life
This conversation is available on my podcast. Please share this link with anyone you know that is interested in creativity or living life more creatively.
I love hearing from you. Let’s connect for a conversation!

LOVE: A Fresh New Season

What is new with you? How are you experiencing life these days?
I always find it interesting that in times of great contrast in world events, I see there is also great contrast in how people are experiencing these circumstances. I have heard people say that they don’t feel they have a purpose or just don’t know what to do to make a contribution to help. They want to do something that makes a difference or has impact. I just happened to hear this passage being read aloud recently and I thought it had the perfect suggestion for the questions I mentioned before. Please take a moment to read this passage.
“You have a tremendous work to do. It is the silent work of creating more love in the world. It is like the yeast in a lump of dough which does its work very quietly and without any fuss, and yet without it the bread would be a solid lump. Therefore love those souls you are with, love what you are doing, love your environment, and love those souls who are your seeming enemies. There is far more grace in loving the seemingly unlovable than in simply loving those souls who love you. Feel the need for love in every soul, and allow yourself to become a channel for love’s sake, so will the heaviness in the world be lightened, for love brings an element of lightness where there was heaviness and darkness. Love starts in each individual, so look within your own heart and draw it forth. Give it freely and with real joy.”
Eileen Caddy
Hopefully you see there is an offer in what Eileen has stated. I was moved by her words so I’ve decided to adopt what she’s suggesting. I decided to adopt it because it feels good to make a contribution and it supports the feeling I want to live in, in my life. It feels good to love.
I’d love to hear what comes to mind for you on this idea.
I hope you are doing well and finding fresh ways to connect with the ones you love.


It’s September! What a surprise to be approaching a change of seasons. I hope you’re doing well and easily navigating what’s in front of you to do.
In my coaching practice, clients have been asking questions about the bombardment of news they’re presented with. The questions are similar to these:
What do you do with all the bad news coming at you every day?
The load of bad news feels overwhelming. What do you do?
Do you have any tips on this?
In response to these questions, I’ve decided to do a webinar on just this topic. Would you like to bring your lunch, coffee or tea and let’s talk about it? We’ll meet on Zoom this Friday, August 4th at noon Central, 10am Pacific, 11 Mountain, 6pm UK, 7pm Paris.
I’ll share information that will support you and answer any questions you have. Invite your friends, colleagues, or anyone you feel would benefit from this conversation.
I look forward to seeing you Friday!

Presence. Where Are You?

How are you? Here we are in August. I can’t believe September is just days away! I hope you are doing well and the ones you love are too.
Recently I was asked to share a wellness tip in support of the current events we are all experiencing. As I reflected on what seemed most important to suggest, I also noticed that I was drawn to suggest something that is effortless and completely natural. It’s not application based, so no worries there. It’s all too often overlooked and it offers us everything we need when we need it.
What is this magic thing?
Through out our days our thoughts sweep us up and out of every moment. In a flash we are in our minds working out scenarios that are not currently happening or working on a memory from a past situation. In the meanwhile, we are missing opportunities that life has placed right in front of us. Do you notice how often you find yourself in these thought created moments?
What to do? Well, we will be thinkers as long as we’re alive. We can’t do a thing about that. But what you can do is create a practice of climbing out of your head and into the present moment. How do you do that? Throughout the day/evening/night take a breath into your body and drop the story. Magically, you are now present. The present moment offers you peace, wisdom, your next action, and relaxation. The benefits? Reduced overwhelm, less stress, more reilience and creativity, personally and professionally.
It really is natural to human beings to be present. We feel great when we receive it and we feel great when we offer it.
I’d love to hear what comes to mind for you on this topic. Let’s connect, cherie@cherieray.com
Rest well, be well until we meet again!


How are you? Are you getting Zoom-literate now? I hope you’re feeling well and everyone you love is feeling well too.
Exciting news! My podcast is up on all podcast formats. It’s called, Connected Living with Cherie Ray, Truths & Understandings for the Business of Life.
Here’s a description of what we’re up to on the podcast: Experts sharing truths, understandings, and insights that are helpful for the business of life. Who doesn’t want a smoother ride? That’s what this show is all about. Offering a smoother ride with all of life’s hot topics; career, relationships, creativity, and all the other things we encounter in life. You will gain distillations of wisdom oriented to living a limitless and fulfilled life.
If you enjoy listening to podcasts, please subscribe and rate the podcast by following these links (Apple | Spotify | Google ). If you know of someone who would enjoy listening, please share.
Your support is always appreciated.
Warmest wishes,

Losing Clarity in Relationships

Welcome to summer! I hope your days are full of hope and promise.
This Friday, June 19th (noon CDT, 10 PDT, 1pm EDT, 7pm Paris) I’m having a free webinar on relationships. In my practice the topic of relationships always comes up. Every type of relationship: existing relationships, past relationships, work relationships, a desire for a relationship, and the relationship with your Self are all hot topics.
Please join me and my guest, Del-Adey Jones, Divorce and Relationship Coach (https://www.deladeyjones.com/) as we have an insightful conversation on a hot topic!
Life is living in relationship with it all! Hope to see you on the call.


EVENT LINK: https://www.cherieray.com/event/losing-clarity-in-relationships/

DIRECT LINK TO JOIN ZOOM MEETING: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83593875216